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Developer Guideline

Welcome to FNote Project. The goal of the project is to build an iOS application that makes note-taking process easier when learning new languages.

Core Features

Component Libraries



  1. Download Xcode 10.2 from Mac App Store or Apple’s developer website.
  2. Clone the repository from GitHub
    • Open up Terminal
    • git clone
  3. Navigate to the project directory and open FNote.xcodeproj to start developing.

Project Convention

The project organizes files and classes in folders separated by their categories and scenes.

For example, the Vocabulary Collection Scene folder will consist of all classes used to create the scene.

On the other hand, for other classes that are not specific to a particular scene and are reusable elsewhere will be in their respective folders such as Model, View, or Controller folder.

File Structure

The hierarchical structure below illustrates how the folders are organized. The bolded lists are folders and the inner lists are files.

Code Documentation

Above class, struct, enum, method, property, or computed property, use the following format. Skip any of them as needed; for example, not every method has /// - Complexity: [O(n)].

/// [Summary description]
/// [Discussion]
/// - Parameters:
///   - parameter1: [Description here]
///   - parameter2 [Description here]
/// - Note: [Note here]
/// - Warning: [Warning here]
/// - Complexity: [O(n)]
/// - Returns: [Return explanation here]

If needed to add self comments that are not part of the documentation, use /**/ above the documentation.

/* Self comment or note here */
/// [Summary Description]
/// [Discussion]
/// ...
 Self comment or note here.
 If it is long or needed to use multiline.
/// [Summary Description]
/// [Discussion]
/// ...

Git Commit Message

There are two preferred commit styles, short and long commit message.

Implement reload cells when segment control changes
Adjust controllers to better handle add and remove Tag
- OptionTableViewController
  - add method to set cancel and done button visibility
  - change delete option completion parameter
- VocabularyCollectionCoordinator
  - fix set tags method (better handle delete and add)
- VocabularyViewController
  - add methods to add and remove tag

Handle Enum Case

When using switch with enum, avoid using default. List out all cases is preferred so that we can catch potential bugs at compile time.


How do I contribute?

Make a pull request. :]

  1. Clone the master branch to your local machine.
  2. Checkout a new branch to work on.
  3. After finishing with the branch you are working on, commit the changes.
  4. Switch to back master branch and do a git pull to get changes if any.
  5. Switch back to your working branch and merge any changes from master.
  6. Push your branch to GitHub (if there is no conflict).
  7. On GitHub website select your branch and click the green pull-request button.

Is there a beta testing?

Please checkout public beta testing with TestFlight. Public Beta Link.
